sâmbătă, 14 septembrie 2013

The story of the dog stray

Dear Man,I am only a dog. Unlike you , who are so big and strong , I am nothing that depends on your mercy . I am of anyone, I have no family , I have friends , I have nothing in this world. I wander the streets and hardly make a living . Sometimes I do not eat for days and suffer from hunger . I never knew love . People are chasing me , throw me with stones and wood , and must always stay hidden . Sometimes I meet people who tricked them my name and I go happy thinking that they want to play with me ... but they bind me , beat me , I 'll burn the fur and mock me ... And among us , dogs are some bad , that I should stay away . They territories , their friends ... And attack humans. Because of them people think that all dogs are evil and fear . We are not all bad ... Just like people, we also have our wicked . But I'm one of those alone. I'm not bad . Endure cold and wickedness of men , although I did not do anything wrong ... except the fact that I came into the world ... I wish I got a family, a master, a safe place for me. I would like to be of a man who will love me and care for me ... not matter how old she is , how it looks, the house has the past ... because we dogs do not distinguish between people. We love unconditionally. I would defend my master with my life and I would love you till I die ... I would not mind him if he would let me alone, if you would give me food if upset when it would hit ... I stay with him and I forget everything ... I would expect a boundless joy and I would do anything to please his son ... I love people .Love, a dog.
PS . I'm sick of controversy on this topic. Who does not resonate with this letter of mine , written on behalf of dogs poisoned , beheaded , burned , beaten and strangled - has only to refrain from commenting and just ignore. Never, but I will never approve barbarism that happens ! They started crazy to put poison around the block and dying dogs and cats who ride them out . They began to put poison in mechanical engineering shafts garbage without thinking that's where they eat and the homeless . Therefore, the bloodthirsty and limit for the solution to this problem is just this unspeakable barbarity , refrain . Just Embarrass and show their inhumanity . I only block access to the page , the better I ignore them. Because I do not want people with criminal instincts here . Delete and block anyone who dares to remind me of the thousandth time that children were bitten by stray dogs . I know that. But that does not mean you have to kill .

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